Lord eighteen hundred and eleven, declare on oath
before the judges of the said court, that it was bona
fide his intention to become a citizen of the said
United States; and that he had in all other respects
complied with the terms and conditions contained in
the act of the Congress of the United States, enti-
tled, "An act to establish an uniform rule of natur-
alization, and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on
that subject; " all which appears to the satisfaction of
this General Assembly: And whereas, The said John
Farckarson, by his petition aforesaid, hath further
set forth, that he is about to purchase considerable
property within this State, real, personal and mixed,
but which he is advised he cannot hold without a spe-
cial act of the General Assembly of Maryland, in
his behalf for this purpose, by reason that three years
have not elapsed, since his application as aforesaid,
to entitle him to be admitted a citizen of the United
States according to the first condition in the act of
Congress aforesaid contained, and as such to purchase
and hold property within, this or any other State; and
has prayed this General Assembly to pass an act ena-
bling him to purchase and hold property within this
State, and to dispose of the same in any manner he
may deem fit and convenient, and the prayer of the
said petitioner appearing to be reasonable and just;
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the said John Farckar-
son, from and after the passage of this act be, and he
is hereby authorised and empowered to purchase,
hold and enjoy any real property within this State,
and the same to dispose of by sale, grant or devise, in
such manner as the said John Farckarson shall deem
fit and convenient, in as full and ample a manner as
the said John Farckarson could or might have done
had he been heretofore regularly naturalized accord-
ing to the laws of this State, or of the United States,
any law, custom or usage to the contrary thereof in
He may pur-
chase and hold
or dispose of
real property.
any wise notwithstanding: Provided, That nothing
herein contained shall be construed to enable the said
John Farckarson to hold any real property he may
acquire by purchase as aforesaid, unless he shall be-
come a naturalized citizen of the United States so
soon as the same can be done, agreeably to the act of
Congress, in such cases made and provided.