they should deem The same necessary for the conve-
nience and accommodation of the residents of said
school district.
To report
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the persons ap-
pointed by virtue of the preceding section, shall report
to the Orphans Court their proceedings under said ap-
pointment or commission, setting forth the lines which
they may agree upon, as the limits of the new school
district, which they may lay off and create, and also
the lines of the old school district as they may be affected
or altered by the creation of said new district, if they
should divide said school district number six, and as-
signing their reasons, if they should not so divide.
of Trustees.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the commis-
sioners appointed by virtue of this act shall divide said
school district number six, and create an additional
school district, the Orphans Court, upon the same being
so reported, shall appoint five suitable persons to act as
Trustees for said new school district, who after qualify-
ing, as Trustees of other primary schools in said county
are required to qualify, shall proceed to select some
central site for the erection of a school house thereon ;
tion of lot.
and they shall be, and they are hereby authorised, to
condemn or otherwise procure a sufficient lot of land
for said purpose; and shall receive contributions, from
well disposed persons, to aid in the erection of a school
house thereon.
Authority to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That after the new
school district shall be laid off and created by virtue of
the provisions of this act, and the Trustees have been
appointed for the same, upon application by said Trus-
tees, the County Commissioners of Charles county, are
hereby authorised and required to levy upon the assess-
able property of said county, the sum of one hundred
and fifty dollars, and shall pay the same over to the
Trustees aforesaid, or their order, for the purpose of
paying for the lot of ground selected, and building a
school house thereon; and the said Trustees are hereby
authorised and required to exercise the same jurisdic-
tion, management and control, over said school district
as Trustees of other primary schools in the county are
authorised and required to exercise.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the primary school
district which may be laid off and created under the
provisions of this act, shall be included in the number
of primary school districts of the county, and the Or-
phans Court and Circuit Court of the county shall exer-
cise jurisdiction, management and control over said new
school district, and shall extend to said school district all