Sarah his wire, Lloy Etzler, and Hannah his wife and others, to
Thomas Sappington, Jun
113. An act amendatory of an act, passed January session
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and five,
entitled an act, in favour of William C. Pierce, of Montgomery
114. An act relating to bail in criminal cases in Baltimore
115. An act to authorise the trustees of the parsonage house of
the German Reformed Church, in Emmittsburg, to sell and
convey the said properly and distribute the proceeds of such sale
116. An act, relating to paupers, beggars, vagrants, vagabonds,
and disorderly persons in the city of Baltimore.
117. An act, to authorise the commissioners appointed by the
act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter three hundred and
twenty-four, to build a new Court House in Dorchester county,
to borrow a sum of money to furnish said house and enclose the
118. An act, to incorporate the Mount Airy Coal and Iron
119. An act, to make valid and give effect to a deed from Jo-
seph Wickes, Benjamin C. Wickes, Joseph A. Wickes and Hen-
rietta M. Bruff, to Isaac Parsons and Robert Nicolson of Kent
county, and to direct the clerk of the circuit court of Kent county
to record the said deed.
120. An act, to incorporate the Curtis Creek Wharf and Rail
Road Company.
121. An act, to change the place of holding the elections in
the sixth election district of Prince George's county.
122. An act, amendatory of the act to incorporate the South
Baltimore Company, passed December session eighteen hundred
and thirty-two, chapter ninety-six, and to extend the duration of
said act to January first, eighteen hundred and eighty, and to ap-
point additional corporators, and to increase the capital stock of
said company to six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars,
and to protect the rights of said company from forfeiture by non
123. An act, to confirm and make valid a certain deed from
Samuel Soyster and others to Francis A. Grambrick of Allegany
124. An act, to authorise an addition to the primary school
house, in Bladensburg, in Prince George's county, and the em-
ployment of an additional teacher therein.
125. An act, to refund to Teagle Townsend, late Register of
Wills for Worcester county a sum of money overpaid in his ac-
count of collateral inheritance tax.