101. An act to limit the services of petit jurors in the city of
102. An act to amend the act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter two hundred and forty-
nine, entitled an act to incorporate a company to construct a turn-
pike road from Hagerstown, in Washington county, to Smiths-
burg, so as to prescribe by whom notice shall be given, the mode
of voting and enforcing payment of subscriptions to the stock, and
also to regulate the tolls.
103. An act to authorise the county commissioners of Baltimore
county so us to increase their levies as to be able to pay within the
year the expenses of the year.
104. A supplement to an act entitled an act to incorporate
the Orphan House and Episcopal Free School of All Saints
Church, in Fredericktown, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and forty-seven,
authorising them to take apprentices.
105. An act to establish primary schools in Calvert county and
to consolidate the academy fund of said county with the primary
school fund.
106. An act amendatory of act passed December session,
eighteen hundred and forty-nine, chapter three hundred and
eighty-eight, entitled an act appointing commissioners to create an
additional free school in election district number three, in Prince
George's county, and an act passed January session, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-two, chapter two hundred and eighty-one, entitled
an act to extend the powers of certain commissioners appointed
by said original act.
107. An act to authorise the Potomac Bridge Company to in-
crease the amount of capital stock therefor.
108. An act to amend an act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter one hundred and seventy-
five, entitled an act to incorporate a literary institution at Hagers-
town, in Washington county, to be styled the Hagerstown Female
Seminary, so as to provide charges for instruction in the regular
or ordinary course of studies to be paid by those holding scholar-
ships and having pupils educated therein.
109. An act to alter and amend the charter of the Hagerstown
Savings Institution.
110. An act amendatory of the act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and forty-five, chapter two hundred and forty-
eight, entitled an act to incorporate the Farmers Steam Accom-
modation Line of Maryland.
111. An act to authorise an enlargement of bank capital in the
city of Baltimore.
112. An act to make valid a deed from Archibald Etzler and