Feb. 24, 1854.
AN ACT for the benefit of the widow and children of
John Zeabaugh, late of Allegany county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this Legislature that John
Zeabaugh, late of Allegany county, an alien did in
the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, declare his
intention to become a citizen of the United States,
and died before becoming naturalized, leaving a
widow and children, and possessing real estate;
Right grant-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the State of Maryland, does hereby
grant to the widow and children of John Zeabaugh,
late of Allegany county, all its right, title and interest in
and to any real estate which was possessed by the said
Zeabaugh at the time of his decease.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
Feb. 24, 1854.
AN ACT to make valid a deed from Stephen Whales,
free negro, to Henry Elliott and Edward Thomas, of
Dorchester county.
WHEREAS, Stephen Whales, a free negro of Dorchester
county, executed, acknowledged and delivered his
deed, bearing date September the seventh, Anno
Domini eighteen hundred and fifty, for certain real
estate therein mentioned to Henry Elliott and Ed-
ward Thomas, of said county, but the justice of the
peace, who took the acknowledgment of the said
Whales, failed or omitted to certify, as they ore re-
quired by law to do, that of their own knowledge or
that it was satisfactorily proven to them, that the said
Stephen Whales, was the same person who was rep-
resented as and professed to be the party grantor in
said deed, and it is apprehended that by reason of
said omission, no title has passed by said deed to the
grantee; Therefore,