AN ACT to amend and continue in force, an act passed
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chap-
ter three hundred and sixteen, entitled, an act to au-
thorise the appointment of a commissioner to take
testimony to provide for the recording of copies of
Wills and other papers, of which the originals were
lost by the burning of the Court House in Dorchester
county, and to remedy as far as practicable, the evils
likely to arise from the destruction of the records of
said county.
Feb. 24, 1854.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the act of Assembly passed at Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter
three hundred and sixteen, entitled, an act to authorise
the appointment of a commissioner to take testimony to
provide for the recording of copies of wills and oilier
papers, of which the originals were lost by the burning
of the court house in Dorchester county, and to remedy
as far as practicable, the evils likely to arise from the
destruction of the records of said county, is hereby re-
enacted and continued in force, except the twentieth
and twenty-fifth sections of said act, until the first day
of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-six.
Act of 1852,
re -enacted.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Orphans Court
of said county shall have power and authority to appoint
a commissioner to carry into execution the provisions of
the said act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter
three hundred and sixteen, and to fill any vacancy that
may occur by death, resignation or removal from the
county, and said commissioner when so appointed, shall
do and perform all the duties required of the commis-
sioner appointed under the provisions of the twentieth
section of said act, and shall receive such compensation
as the commissioners of said county shall determine.
Authority to
appoint com-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
In force.