payment of the expenses of said sale, then to the pay-
merit of the sum of dollars
with the interest thereon, as specified in these presents,
or so much thereof as may he due at the time of such
sale, and the surplus, if any, to be paid over to the said
(the mortgagor,) his executors, administrators or assigns.
135. Mortgages of personal properly may be assigned
and released in the same manner as mortgages of real
property, according to the rules herein before prescribed
for the assignment and release of the same.
Alignment &
136. Mortgages of personal property shall be ac-
knowledged and recorded in the same manner as bills
of sale, with a like affidavit endorsed thereon, to be
made by the mortgagee, as in mortgages of real estate.
137. Mortgages of personal property shall be valid
and take effect, except as between the parties thereto,
only from the time of recording.
To take effect
from time of
138. A married woman may, by mortgage executed
by herself and husband, mortgage any of her personal
property, and such mortgage to be acknowledged in the
same manner as if she were a feme sole.
Married wo-
man may
Chapter 6.
139. A lease may be made in the following form, or
to the like effect.
This lease made this day of
in the year , be-
tween and , witnesseth that the said
doth lease unto the said
, his personal representatives or
assigns, (here describe property,) for the term of
years, beginning on the
day of in the year and
ending on the day of in the
year the said paying
therefor the sum of dollars on
the day of in
each and every year.
Witness our hands and seals.
Form of re-