Chapter 4.
102. A mortgage to secure the payment of money
may be made in the following form or to the like ef-
This mortgage made this day of
by witnesseth, that in
consideration of the sum of dollars
with interest thereon from , now due
from to , , the said
doth grant unto the said [here
describe property] Provided, that if the said
shall pay, on or before the day of
, to the said the sum of
dollars, with the interest thereon from
then this mortgage shall be void.
Witness my hand and seal. [Seal.]
Forms of
103. A mortgage made in the above form or to the
like effect, shall be construed and deemed a good and
sufficient mortgage for the purposes therein specified.
104. Any covenant, proviso, limitation or restriction
allowed by law, may be added, annexed to or intro-
duced into the foregoing form.
Covenants, &c
may be added.
105. When in a mortgage the words, "the said
covenants" are used, such coven-
ant shall have the same effect as if it was expressed to
be by the covenantor for himself, personal representa-
tives and heirs, and shall be deemed to be with the
covenantee, his heirs, personal representatives and as-
106. A covenant by a mortgagor, that he will pay
the aforesaid money shall be construed and have the
same effect as if the mortgagor had covenanted, that he,
his heirs, executors and administrators shall well and
truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said
[the mortgagee] his executors, administrators, heirs or
assigns, the skid sum of dollars with interest
for the same, at such times and after such manner as
hereinbefore set forth and agreed for the payment