Judge of the orphans court for said county or city.
Judge of the circuit court for the county.
Judge of the superior court or court of common pleas
for Baltimore city.
Before taken
if in county.
84. If acknowledged within this State, but out of the
county or city in which the real estate, or any part of it
lies, the acknowledgment may be made before,
Any justice of the peace for the county or city where
the grantor resides.
Any judge of the circuit court for the circuit in which
the grantor resides.
The judge of the superior court or court of common
pleas, if the grantor resides in Baltimore city.
If without the
85. If acknowledged without this State, but within
the United States, the acknowledgment may be made
A justice of the peace, whose official character shall
be certified by the clerk of the county court of the
county where the justice resides, with the county seal
A judge of any court of the United States.
A judge of any court of any State or Territory, hav-
ing a seal.
Without the
U. States,
86. If acknowledged without the United States, the
acknowledgment may be made before,
Any minister or consul of the United States.
87. Every officer, before whom any acknowledg-
ment shall be made, shall give a certificate thereof, and
endorse on or annex to the deed such certificate, and
the certificate shall be recorded with the deed.
Seal of court.
88. To every certificate of acknowledgment taken
without this State before the judge of any court having
a seal, the seal of such court shall be affixed; and to
every certificate of acknowledgment taken before a
justice of the peace out of the county or city where the
real estate lies, there shall also be annexed a certificate
of the clerk of the county where the grantor resides,
under the seal of his office, certifying to the official cha-
racter of the justice of the peace taking such acknowl-