No. 7.
To convey an estate in fee simple to (wo or mare as
joint tenants.
No. 7.
69. This deed, made this day of ,
in the year , by , witnesseth,
that in consideration of , the said
doth grant unto , to hold the same as
joint tenants.
Witness my hand and seal.
A. B.
C. D. [Seal.]
No. 8.
To convey an estate for life to one with contingent
remainder to an unborn person.
No. 8.
70. This deed made this day of , in
the year , by , witnesseth, that in con-
sideration of the said doth grant unto
to hold the same for the life of the said
, and no longer; and after the death of the
said , then to the eldest child of
Witness my hand and Seal,
C. D. [Seal.]
No. 9.
To convey an estate in fee simple to one defeasible
upon his dying without a child or descendant of a
child living at the time of his death, and in that
event remainder to another.
No. 9.
71. This deed made this day of in the
year by , witnesseth, that in consideration of
the said doth grant unto , but should
the said die without leaving a child or descen-
dant of a child living at the time of his death, then
the said grants the said to