said election districts numbers three and four in Caro-
line county.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the orphans court of Caroline county forthwith to
appoint four commissioners, one from each election dis-
trict of said county, whose duty it shall he to define ac-
curately the hounds and limits of the several school
districts in said county; and the commissioners so ap-
pointed in establishing the boundary lines of said school
districts as aforesaid, if it become necessary, may make
the several school districts out of parts of the several
election districts of said county; and said commissioners
shall report the result of their labors to said orphans
court by the first day of August next, and said report
shall, when ratified and confirmed by said orphans
court, be considered binding upon the said school dis-
trict; and the trustees of the several schools shall be
governed by the limits of their several districts, as de-
fined and established by the said commissioners, and
said orphans court shall pay to said commissioners two
dollars each per day, out of the school fund of Caroline
county, for the time they may be employed in perform-
ing the duties enjoined upon them by this act.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That after the several
school districts shall have been defined, said commis-
sioners shall establish a site for each and every district
as a suitable place for a school house for the several
school districts in said county; and the trustees of the
several schools now in office shall have full power to
remove said school house or houses, or sell the same
with the lots of ground belonging thereto, and apply
the proceeds of the same to the building of other school
houses in said school districts, and shall have full power to lay a tux on the taxable property of the several school
districts, for the building and repairing of the several
school houses in the several school districts in said
county, as the case may require.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the orphans court
of Caroline county shall have full power to change the
lines of the several school districts as they may think
proper, for the bettering the condition of said school dis-
Change of the
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall go
into effect from the day of its passage.
In force.