any transportable articles to and from any point or
points on the properly of the Patapsco company in
Anne Arundel county, from and to any point or
points in the city or county of Baltimore, Provided,
the tolls shall not exceed the following rates: fur every
foot passenger, five cents; horses and riders, twelve and
a-half cents; car or wagon with one horse, mule or ox,
fifteen cents; cart or wagon with two horses, mules or
oxen, seventeen cents; cart or wagon with three horses,
mules or oxen, twenty-five cents; carts or wagons with
four horses, mules or oxen, thirty-five cents; pleasure
carriages with one horse, eighteen and three quarter
cents, with two horses, thirty -seven cents; wilt four
horses, seventy-five cents; each head of horses, mules,
or cattle, eight cents; sheep and swine, &c., five
The right to
hold property
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the rights to hold
property under the act of which this is amendatory,
shall be extended so that the Patapsco company afore-
said may purchase and hold for their use any quantity
of land in the city of Baltimore, not exceeding three
hundred feet square, and in Baltimore county a quan-
tity of kind not exceeding three hundred feet square, at
the northern termination of the present bridge of said
company over the Patapsco river, commonly called
Cromwell's Bridge.
Power to
borrow mo-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Patapsco
company aforesaid shall have power to borrow money
and to issue bonds or other evidences of loans made to
it, and to pledge the property of the company for the
payment of the game or its interest; Provided, that no
note, certificate or scrip or other evidence of debt shall
be issued by said company to be used as a currency or
in the nature of money.
In force.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage, and the Legislature
reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal this act at