crossed such road or street, or a steam whistle shall be
attached to each locomotive engine and be sounded at
least one hundred rods from the place where the rail
road shall cross any such road or street, and shall be
sounded at intervals until it shall have crossed such
road or street, under the penalty of thirty dollars; for
the neglect of the provisions of this section, said com-
pany may be sued before any justice of the peace of
the election district in which such neglect may happen
in ten days after such penalty was incurred, one half
thereof to go to the informer and the other half to the
county in which such neglect may happen; and said
company shall also be liable for all damages which
shall be sustained by any person by reason of such
neglect; and all penalties imposed by this act may be
sued for in the name of the State, and if such penalty
shall be for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars,
then such suit may be brought before a justice of the
peace, and may be commenced by serving a summons
on any director of said company.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in case any person
shall wilfully obstruct, injure, impair or destroy any part
of said road, or any of the works, buildings, carriages,
vehicles, engines, or machines of said company used or
connected with said road, he, she, or they, for every
such offence, shall forfeit and pay to said company or
their authorised agent or attorney not less than fifty
dollars, which may be recovered in the name of the
said company by an action of debt in the circuit court
of the county wherein said offences shall be committed,
and shall also be subject to indictment in said court,
and upon conviction of such offence shall be punished
by fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
Penalty for
injuring road.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall have full power and
authority to connect the rail road which may be con-
structed under the provisions of this act, with the Balti-
more and Ohio rail road, and also to make such con-
tracts and arrangements with the president and directors
of said Baltimore and Ohio rail road for the through
transportation of passengers and merchandise and all
properly of what kind soever in the cars or carriages of
either company, as may appear to said president and
directors convenient and advantageous.
Power to
connect with
Baltimore and
Ohio railroad.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Patapsco com-
pany aforesaid may establish a line of boats, propelled
by horse or steam power, and may use such ships or
boats as may be thought necessary by said company
for the transportation of passengers, wagons, goods or
may establish
line of boats.