SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Tench Tilghman, Samuel Ham-
bleton, William H. Groome, James H. Martin, J. C.
W. Powell, John Stevens, Benjamin M. Bowdle,
James G. Thomas, Joseph R. Price, James Parrott,
Henry C. Rawlings, Alexander Ridgaway, Richard
Willis, Alexander P. Sorden and William P. Massey,
be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to do
and perform the several things hereinafter mentioned,
that is to say, they or a majority of them shall at any
time within two years from the passage of this act, pro-
cure a sufficient number of suitable books, which shall
be opened at such time or times, place or places as they
shall think proper, in each of which shall be made the
ers appointed.
following entry, we whose names are hereunto sub-
scribed do promise to pay to the president and directors
of the Maryland and Delaware Rail Road company,
the sum of twenty-five dollars for every share of stock
set opposite to our respective names in such manner
and proportions, and at such times as shall be deter-
mined by the president and directors of said company
in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, entitled an act to incorporate the
Maryland and Delaware Rail Road company,
witness our hands this day of
in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and and the said commis-
sioners after giving such notice as to them shall seem
proper, shall permit all persons of lawful age who shall
offer to subscribe in the said books in their own names
or in the name of any other person or company who
shall authorise the same for any number of shares in
the said stock, and if any of the said commissioners
shall die or decline to act before the fulfilment of the
duties devolved upon them by this act, others may be
appointed in their stead by the remaining commissioners
or a majority of them.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when and as soon
as one thousand shares of said stock shall be subscribed
the subscribers their successors and assigns, shall be,
and they are hereby declared to be incorporated by the
name, style and title of the Maryland and Delaware