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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 375   View pdf image
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all the power and authority over him as a master may
lawfully exercise over his free negro apprentice; the
expenses of such arrest and imprisonment may be de-
ducted from the wages of the said negro; Provided,
a justice of the peace, on hearing of both parties, shall
certify that the said negro left the services of the em-
ployer without just and sufficient cause; Provided
further, that a proceeding under this act shall not debar
any free negro from prosecuting any action he may
have for cruel or ill or improper usage and treatment
by his employer, either before a justice of the peace or
in the circuit court; and provided further, that before
the employer shall take possession of the said negro un-
der this section, if found in the peaceable employment
of another, he shall exhibit to him, or leave at his
abode, a copy of the judgment of the justice of the
peace against such negro.

for employing
negro after a

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any person shall
hire or employ and take into actual service any free
negro convicted under the first section of this act, with
a knowledge of such conviction, he shall be answerable
in an action of debt to the person entitled to such ser-
vice for the full value of the service while in his em-
ployment, and twenty-five per cent over such value,
unless the first employer shall neglect to prosecute for
the same for one month after his service was abandon-
ed, in which case no such prosecution shall lie.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the fees of justices,
constables and jailors under this act, shall be the same
as are provided for in ordinary State cases for misde-
meanor, or actions of debt, or contract for claims under
fifty dollars, as the case may be.

In force.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.

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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 375   View pdf image
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