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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 362   View pdf image
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the name of the Farmers and Merchants Steamboat
company of Nanticoke river, and by that name and
title shall have succession, and shall be capable in law
to sue and be sued in any court of law or equity, to have
and use a common seal, and to alter the same when
deemed expedient, and generally to do all such acts as
shall be proper and necessary for the purpose of estab-
lishing a steamboat line between the city of Baltimore
and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and to navigate
the Chesapeake bay and its tributary streams, or to es-
tablish a line between the city of Philadelphia and the
said Eastern Shore, and the said company shall have
power to transport by a vessel or vessels propelled by
steam, passengers and every description of freight to,
and from the said cities, to and from the various land-
ings along the Chesapeake bay or its tributary


SEC 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall consist of one thousand shares of
fifty dollars each, the president and directors shall have
power, from time to time, to increase the capital stock
to such an amount as may be found necessary or ex-

Capital stock.

pedient for the accomplishment of the objects of this
incorporation; Provided, that the same does not ex-
ceed seventy-one thousand dollars.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the persona
herein incorporated, or a majority of them assembled,
due notice having been given to the rest of the com-
pany of the designs, the time and place of meeting,
may make such regulations as may be suited to the
purposes of their incorporation, choose their officers,
and provide in every other proper manner for the go-
vernment of said company, and the said company, or
a majority of them, assembled as aforesaid, shall have
power and authority at any time to adopt, and to carry
into execution such laws, regulations and ordinances as
shall be adjudged necessary and proper for the govern-
ment and management of the said company, and the
same to change, alter, repeal, annul and re-enact;


Provided, the same be not contrary to the constitution
and laws of the United States, or of this State.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That, the board of di-
rectors, or the stockholders holding a majority of the
stock, shall have power at any time, to call a general
meeting of the stockholders, by giving notice at least
three weeks before the meeting, in a newspaper pub-
lished in the city of Baltimore, and in a newspaper

General meet-

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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 362   View pdf image
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