terest on the public debt which at any time during the
year ending on the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-five, shall be due on that part of said
debt, which may constitute the sinking fund of the
State, shall he applied by the treasury to the purchase
of stock or bonds of the State for the increase of said
fund, to the payment of the interest falling due on the
first day of July, in the year eighteen hundred and
fifty-four, and on the first day of January, in the year
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, on the bonds or certifi-
cates of debt of the Annapolis and Elkridge Rail Road
Company, issued in pursuance of chapter one hundred
and sixty-eight, of eighteen hundred and forty-one,
and to the payment of the amount by which the inter-
est which fell due on the first day of July, eighteen
hundred and fifty-two, and first day of January, eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-three, exceeded the appropria-
tion made for the payment thereof, and to the payment
of so much of the principal of said bonds or certificates
of debt as is directed to be paid by said act, seven thou-
sand dollars; Provided, however, that only so much
thereof shall be so applied as may be equal to the nett
profits of the said Annapolis and Elkridge Rail Road
Company, and the profits which this State shall or may
have derived from the use of the Annapolis and Elk-
ridge Rail Road Company in connection with the
Washington branch of the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road, and which profits shall or may have been paid
into the treasury, as required by the aforesaid act of
eighteen hundred and forty-one, chapter one hundred
and sixty-eight; to John S. Gittings, late commissioner
of loans, as directed by resolution number ten, of eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-three, three thousand and eighty-
eight dollars and twenty-six cents; to the cost of filing
and recording in the court of appeals, as required by
the constitution, the laws and resolutions which have
or may be passed at the present session, three hundred
and fifty dollars; to the expense of indexing the laws,
journals and public documents of the two Houses of
the General Assembly, four hundred and fifty dollars;
to the expense of distributing the laws, public docu-
ments and journals to the clerks of the several courts,
one hundred and fifty dollars; to the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, as per chapter two hundred and
sixty-six, of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, twenty
thousand dollars; to the adjutant-general, for the pur-
chase of a national flag for the use of the State, seven-
ty-five dollars.