son employed to take care of the public buildings, two
hundred and forty dollars; to the superintendent of the
public buildings and grounds, one hundred dollars; to
the Maryland Institute, for the promotion of the mecha-
nic arts, five hundred dollars; to the rent of house for
fire engine, fifty dollars; to the expense of labatory for
State agricultural chemist, four hundred and fifty dol-
lars; to the purchase of implements for the State
agricultural chemist, fifty dollars; to the members of the
appeal tax court of Baltimore, one hundred and fifty
dollars; to the register of the city of Baltimore, three
hundred dollars; to the commissioner of the land
office, for compensation for services under chapter
twenty-three of the act of eighteen hundred and forty-
one, fifty dollars; to the cost of printing the comptrol-
ler's annual report, five hundred dollars; to the ex-
pense of distributing bound copies of the laws, journals
and documents and Maryland reports to the clerks and
registers of wills of this State, and to the Governors of
the several States, seventy-five dollars; to the execu-
tive for the contingent fund, provided in the constitu-
tion, to be placed at his disposal, six thousand, seven
hundred dollars; and the Governor is hereby authorised
to expend seven hundred dollars of the contingent
fund, or so much as may be necessary for the purchase
of furniture and the repairs of the executive chamber;
to the contingent fund for the library, including the
expense of binding books, of lights, porterage and
freights, of stationery, menial service and assistance, of
advertising and printing and of all other incidental ex-
penses, one thousand, three hundred dollars; to special,
judges, appointed in pursuance of the twenty-second
section of the fourth article of the constitution, three
thousand, five hundred dollars; to the purchase of sta-
tionery for the Legislature, two thousand, five hundred
dollars; to the purchase of fuel and lights, one thou-
sand two hundred dollars; to the contingent expenses
of the treasury department, one thousand dollars; to
the printing of blank licenses for the comptroller and
the purchase of cases for the keeping of the same, one
thousand dollars; to the payment of the interest on the
public debt of this State, that is to say, the interest fall-
ling due quarterly on the currency debt of the State,
four hundred and ten thousand, two hundred dollars;
and to the interest on the public debt fulling due semi-
annually, and payable in London, including costs of
exchange, remittances and commissions, two hundred
and sixty-seven thousand, seven hundred and fifty dol-