ted, shall have the privilege of connecting a lateral rail
road with the main rail road or rail roads, hereby autho-
rised to be constructed, subject to reasonable regulations
of said company, and the payment of such tolls as they
may impose, not exceeding three cents per ton per mile
on all goods, merchandise and other property, and not
exceeding two cents per mile for every passenger trans-
ported thereon, and that the said company be, and they
are hereby required to transport on said road or roads,
all coal or other property of every description which
may he brought to the established depots of said rail road
or rail roads for transportation under the restrictions
above stated.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to give to the said company
banking privileges; and the legislature hereby reserves
the right to alter, amend or repeal the charter hereby
Banking for-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall tat
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT for the relief of the sureties on the bond of
William K. Rathell, former State tax collector of Tal-
hot county.
Mar. 10, 1854.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the sureties on the official bond of William K.
Rathell, State tax collector of Talbot county, for the
year eighteen hundred and fifty, be, and they are hereby
released from the payment of interest on the tax levied
for the use of the State by the commissioners of said
Sureties re-
county for the said year; Provided, that the amount
due for principal from said collector, shall be paid as