the rate of fifteen per centum per annum from the date
of the day of sale.
SEC. 14 And be it enacted, That the costs or fees
of the sheriff in making a, distress for taxes in arrear, as
herein authorised and directed, shall be as follows: for
summoning and swearing two appraisers and making
out schedule, one dollar and twenty cents; if the prop-
erty be sold, five per cent, on the gross amount of sales
and such expenses as he may incur in advertising and
Duty of grand
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duly of the grand jury of said county, and they are
hereby required, at the November term of the circuit
court of Baltimore county, and at every November term
of said court thereafter, to examine the books of the
county treasurer, and make a detailed statement of the
receipts and disbursements of said officer, and publish
the same in at least one newspaper published in the
county, or by hand-bill, and nothing herein contained
shall prevent the grand jury from, examining the said
treasurer's books at any other term of said court.
Duty of com-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the commissioners of said county, to publish in
at least one newspaper published in the county, a true
and correct list of all insolvencies and abatements passed
and allowed by them after the passage of this act, giving
the name of the person or persons, amount of same, the
sheriff or receivers name, to whom allowed; the said
publication shall be made on or before the first day of
July of each and every year thereafter.
Authority to
borrow money.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said county
commissioners be, and they are hereby authorised, in
anticipation of the collection of the taxes herein autho-
rised to be levied for the year eighteen hundred and
fifty-four, to borrow on the credit of the county, such
sum or sums of money us they in their judgment may
deem necessary, for the prompt payment of the current
expenses of the said county for the said year; Provi-
ded, such loan or loans, hereby authorised, shall not
exceed twenty thousand dollars, and such sum or sums
as may be so borrowed in pursuance of the authority
hereby conferred, shall be fully paid and discharged
with interest thereon within two years from the passage
of this act.
Bond of trea-
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of
said county, before he shall receive any taxes, autho-
rised to be paid to him by this act, shall execute and
deliver to the commissioners of said county, a good and