Act amended.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the third section of the act entitled
an act to prevent frauds on the revenue in the cases
hereinafter mentioned and to punish the perpetrators
thereof, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and forty-six, chapter one hundred and nine, shall be
amended so as to read as follows: that all insuring of
lottery tickets or part of lottery tickets, or the numbers
or any of them, or certificates of the numbers or any of
them, of lottery tickets either foreign or domestic, is abso-
lutely prohibited in this State, and any person directly
or indirectly offering or agreeing to make or making any
such insurance or insuring or receiving any consideration
for insuring, for or against the drawing of any ticket or
tickets or the number or numbers of any ticket or tickets
in any lottery authorised or unauthorised, or receiving
any money or other thing in consideration of any agree-
ment to pay or deliver any money or other thing of
any ticket or tickets, or the number or any of the num-
bers of any ticket or tickets in any lottery whatever,
shall prove fortunate or the reverse, or be drawn or not
drawn on any particular day, or in any particular order
or otherwise howsoever, or agreeing to pay or deliver any
money or other thing, or to do or forbear doing any
thing for the benefit of any other person or persons,
with or without consideration upon any event or con-
tingency, dependent upon the drawing of any ticket or
tickets, or the numbers or any of the numbers of any
ticket or tickets in any lottery whatsoever, shall be liable
to pay, and shall pay a fine of five dollars for each of-
fence to be recovered before any justice of the peace, by
action of debt in the name of the State, instituted
against the offending party on the information under
oath of any citizen of this State, or of the commission-
er of lotteries, and that all fines received, shall be paid
over to the said commissioner of lotteries, who shall,
after paying the informer one-half of the amount of
each and every fine so received, account to the treasur-
er of the State for the remainder in his hands, and no
certiorari shall issue from any court to said justice,