SEC. 15. And be it enacted. That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power
and authority, annually to appoint an active, discreet
person to be bailiff, constable and collector within the
limits of said village, and before he shall proceed to
the execution of his office, shall take an oath or affir-
mation, to be administered by a justice of the peace for
said county, that he will faithfully and impartially per-
form the duties required of him as bailiff, constable and
collector within the limits of said village, by virtue of
this act, according to the best of his skill and judgment ;
and the said bailiff, constable and collector shall give
bond in the same manner and under the same penal-
ties that the several constables and collectors of said
county do; and it shall be the duty of the said bailiff,
constable and collector to attend the meetings of the
said commissioners whenever he shall be required to
perform such services as shall from time to time be by
them directed, for the mote effectual accomplishing the
object of this act, to prevent the tumultuous and irregu-
lar meetings of slaves or free negroes within the limits
of said village, and to punish, with moderate correction,
all such slaves and free negroes as shall be found wan-
dering or strolling about the streets in the night time,
and to prevent slaves frequenting the houses of other
persons in said village without the consent of their
master or mistress.
Power to ap-
point bailiff,
constables &
SBC. 16. And be it enacted, That all taxes, fines,
forfeitures and penalties imposed by the said commis-
sioners, by virtue of any law or ordinance, bo applied
in such manner for the use of the said village as may
be from time to time by ordinance directed.
Application of
taxes, &c.