CHAP. 74.
AN ACT to make valid certain acts of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Dorchester County.
Passed April
19, 1852.
WHEREAS, Since the organization of the Circuit
Courts, established by the Constitution of this State,
no court has been held in and for Dorchester county,
composing part of the eighth Judicial Circuit, and the
clerk of said circuit for said county, has received no
official notice of the qualification of the Circuit Judge
of said circuit; and whereas, owing to the dissolution
of the County Courts, and the establishment of the
new order of things, the clerk of the said Circuit Court
for said county, has issued certain writs of capias ad
respondendum, fieri facias and other process tested as
of the first day of the October term of Dorchester
county, last past, and in the name of the Chief Judge
of said County Court, and some in the name of the
Judge of said Circuit Court, before his qualification
as such, and made the same returnable the first Mon-
day in April, to the said Circuit Court; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all writs of capias ad responded-
dum, fieri facias and all other process issued by the
cleric of the said Circuit Court, whether issued, tested
and made returnable as aforesaid, to the first Monday
in April eighteen hundred and fifty-two, or issued as
aforesaid, tested as aforesaid, and made returnable to
the April term of said Circuit Court for said county,
be, and the same are hereby made valid and available
in law, to all intents and purposes, as if issued in the
name of the said Circuit Judge, tested on the day of his
qualification as said Judge, or since, and made return-
able on the fourth Tuesday of April eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-two, and the said writs shall not be
quashed, avoided or set aside by reason of any infor-
malities or irregularities as aforesaid.
Writs made
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That writs or other pro-
cess that may be issued by the said clerk after the pas-
sage of this act, tested as aforesaid, and made returna-
ble to the April term of said Circuit Court, shall be
valid and available in law to all intents and purposes.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
Writs issued
after passage
of this act va-
In force.