CHAP 72.
AN ACT entitled, an Act for Repairing and Fi-
nishing the Government House.
Passed April
14, 1852.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of four thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap-
propriated for the purchase of furniture and repairing
the Government House.
Sum appro-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor is
hereby authorised to have the roof of the Government
House covered or repaired with such material as will,
in his opinion, be most desirable and economical, and
the walls protected by spouting, and such other repairs
done as may be required, and also to purchase such
furniture as he may deem necessary for comfort and
convenience, and to draw on the Treasurer, upon the
warrant of the Comptroller, for such sum or sums as may
Governor to
have repairs
be required therefor; Provided, the amount shall not
exceed in the aggregate the sum of four thousand dol-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT appropriating a sum of money for the
payment of the Reward offered by the Governor for
the apprehension and conviction of the murderers of
William Cosden and others.
Passed April
14, 1852.
WHEREAS, By the Proclamation of the Governor of
Maryland, on the third day of March, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-one, a reward of one thousand dollars
was offered for the apprehension and conviction of the
murderers of William Cosden and others, therein
named; and whereas, the Governor has communicated
to the Legislature that the contingent fund, from which
the said reward would have been payable, has been ex-
hausted by other expenditures for the public service,
and that a special appropriation is required to pay the
said reward to the persons entitled, and who have de-
manded the same from him; Therefore,