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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 56   View pdf image
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CHAP. 70.

AN ACT to Repeal the Charter of the Washington
Coal Company, created by an Act passed at De-

cember Session, eighteen hundred and forty-five,
chapter two hundred and fifty-five.

Passed April
8, 1852.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That the act passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and forty-five, chapter two hun-
dred and fifty-five, entitled, an act to incorporate the
Washington Coal company, be, and the same is hereby

Act of 1845,
chap. 255, re-

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect add be in force from and after the first day of
October, eighteen hundred and fifty-two.


In force.

AN ACT to Incorporate the Baltimore and Boston
Steam Navigation Company.

Passed April

15, 1852.

WHEREAS, The object of the following corporation
cannot, in the judgment of the Legislature, be attained
by a general law; Therefore,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, Thai Benjamin Deford, William Heald,
Thomas C. Jenkins, William Kennedy, William
Crane and Francis H. Jenks, their associates, succes-
sors and assigns, be, and they are hereby created a cor-
poration and body politic by the name of the Baltimore
and Boston Steam Navigation company, and by that
name shall have succession, and shall be capable to sue
and be sued in any court of law or equity, and in any
other place whatsoever; to have and to use a common
seal, and alter the same at pleasure; to establish and to
change any by-laws for the organization of the said
Company, and for conducting and regulating its busi-
ness, so that the same be not contrary to the laws of this
State or of the United States, or inconsistent with the
provisions of this charter; to purchase, charter or build
any vessel or vessels; to purchase, lease, rent, hold,
hire, pledge and dispose of real and personal property
necessary for the purposes of said company; and, in



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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 56   View pdf image
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