CHAP. 67.
at the session of eighteen hundred and forty-nine, chap-
ter four hundred and two, as authorises the Levy Court,
of Caroline county, to appoint the trustees of the poor
to serve for seven years from the time of their appoint-
ment, be, and the gome is hereby repealed.
Time to ap-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That hereafter the Coun-
ty Commissioners of the said county, shall appoint the
said trustees in the month of April of each and every
Take effect
10th of April.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the tenth day of April, eighteen
hundred and fifty-two; and that all appointments of
said trustees, prior thereto, shall be vacated.
Passed April
7, 1852.
AN ACT to prescribe what shall be evidence in suits
instituted for the recovery of money belonging to
this State.
Evidence of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That in case of the institution in the
courts of this State, of any suit or action against a Col-
lector or other officer, charged with the collection or re-
ceipt of monies belonging to the State, or against the
official bond of such Collector or other officer, a state-
ment of the account of such Collector or other officer,
certified and signed by the Comptroller of the treasury
department, shall be taken and received as prima facia
evidence of the debt or amount therein stated to be
In force.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the passage thereof.