CHAP. 369.
which it may sue and be sued; Second, the general
route of the line of telegraph, designating the points to
be connected; Third, the capital stock of such associa-
tion and the number of shares into which the stock shall
be divided; Fourth, the names and places of residence
of the stockholders, and the number of shares held by
each of them respectively; Fifth, the period at which
each association shall commence and terminate, which
certificate shall be proved or acknowledged and record-
ed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit court for
the county where any office of such association shall
be established of, if the office be in the city of Balti-
more, then in the office of the clerk of the Superior
court for said city, and such acknowledgment may be
taken by any officer authorised to take the acknowledg-
ment of deeds of real estate at the place where such
acknowledgment is taken.
by name de-
signated in
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That upon complying
with the provisions of the last preceding section, such
association shall be, and hereby is declared to be a body
corporate, by the name so as aforesaid to be designated
in said certificate; and a copy of said certificate, duly
certified by the clerk of the Circuit court or Superior
court as aforesaid, where the same is filed and recorded.
may be used as evidence in all courts and places, for and
against any such association.
Power to
purchase, re-
ceive, hold
and convey
real estate.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That such association
shall have power to purchase, receive and hold, and
convey such real estate, and such only as may necessa-
ry for the convenient transaction of the business, and
for effectually carrying on the operations of such asso-
ciation, and may appoint such directors, officers and
agents, and make such prudential rides, regulations and
by-laws, as may be necessary in the transaction of their
business, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or
of the United Slates.
Authority to
construct lines
of telegraph
upon public
roads, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That such association
is authorised to construct lines of telegraph along and
upon any of the public roads and highways, or across
any of the waters within the limits of this State, by the
election of the necessary fixtures, including posts, piers
or abutments, for sustaining the cords or wires of such
lines; Provided, the same shall not be so constructed
as to incommode the public use of said roads or high-
ways, or injuriously interrupt the navigation of said
waters, nor shall this act be so construed as to autho-
rise the construction of any bridge across any of the
waters of this State.