The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and eighty-seven, chapter nine, entitled, an act
respecting the continuance of civil suits, in the gene-
ral and county courts; and the supplement thereto,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
ninety-four, chapter six, entitled, a supplement to an
act, entitled, an act respecting the continuance of civil
suits in the general and county courts, which supple-
ment provides for the continuance of civil suits under
certain circumstances.
CHAP. 360.
Act of 17897,
chapter 9.
The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-one, chapter sixty-eight, entitled, an
act for the speedy recovery of small debts, out of court,
and to repeal the Acts of Assembly therein mentioned,
which provides for and regulates the recovery of small
Act of 1791,
chapter 68.
The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-three, chapter seventy-five, entitled, an
act relative to appeals to be prosecuted, or injunctions to
be obtained, by executors or administrators, and re-
lating to injunctions, writs of errors, penalty, and surety
of bonds, and jurisdiction of chancellor, and so forth.
Act of 1793,
chapter 75.
The act entitled, an act for the more effectual col-
lection of the county charges in the several counties of
this State, passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety seven, chapter ninety, and giving cer-
tain powers to commissioners of tax, now styled county
commissioners, whereby taxes may be more effectu-
ally collected.
Act of 1797,
chapter 90.
The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-eight, chapter one hundred and one,
entitled, an act for amending and reducing into sys-
tem the laws and regulations concerning last wills and
testaments; the duties of executors, administrators, and
guardians, and the rights of orphans and other repre-
sentatives of deceased persons, whereby the duties and
jurisdiction of the Orphans' Courts and register of
wills of this State, and the settlement of deceased per-
sons' estates, are regulated and provided for.
Act of 1798,
chapter 101.
The act passed at November session, eighteen hun-
dred and one, chapter sixty-three, entitled, an act to
regulate the inspection of tobacco; and the supple-
ments thereto, passed respectively, and entitled, as fol-
Act of 1801,
chapter 63.
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act to
regulate the inspection of tobacco, passed eighteen hun-
dred and four, chapter eighty-five ;
Act of 1804,
chapter 85.