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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 437   View pdf image
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CHAP. 360.

Passed May
31, 1852.

Acts revived


AN ACT to Revive and make Perpetual, certain
Expired Laws, or Laws limited in their Dura-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That the following named Acts of As-
sembly, or such parts of them respectively as would
now be applicable, and have not been repealed, to
wit :

Act of 1778,
chapter 21.

The act passed at October session, seventeen hun-
dred and seventy-eight, chapter twenty-one, entitled,
an act for amending and declaring the law in the cases
therein mentioned, and relating to the validity of ver-
dicts in certain cases, the form of recognizance of bail,
and other proceedings, powers, and regulations of, and
in certain courts.

Act of 1779
chapter 8.

Act of 1779,
chapter 25.

Act of 1781
chapter 22.

Act of 1782
chapter 31.

Act of 1788
chapter 33.

Act of 1791
chapter 65.

Act of 1799
chapter 83.

The act passed at July session, seventeen hundred
seventy-nine, chapter eight, entitled, an act establishing
a mode to perpetuate testimony, whereby parties were
authorised to take deposition of witnesses, as is therein
set forth, and to be used as therein provided.

The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and seventy-nine, chapter twenty-five, entitled, ah
act for the regulation of officers fees, whereby officers
fees and the mode of their collection are set forth and
provided for.
The act passed at November session, seventeen hun-
dred and eighty-one, chapter twenty-two, entitled, an
act to regulate public ferries, and the supplements
thereto, passed respectively, to wit:

At April session, seventeen hundred and eighty two,
chapter thirty-one, entitled, a supplement to the act to
regulate public ferries ;

At November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-
eight, chapter thirty-three, entitled, an additional sup-
plement to the act to regulate public ferries;
At November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
one, chapter sixty-five, entitled, an additional supple-
ment to the act entitled, an act to regulate public fer-
At November session, seventeen hundred and nine-
ty-nine, chapter eighty-three, entitled, an additional
supplementary act to the act to regulate public fer-
ries, whereby provision is made for the establishment of,
and regulation of public ferries in this State.

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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 437   View pdf image
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