CHAP. 332.
Authority to
continue open
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the
Liberty and Franklin Plunk or Turnpike Road company,
or any three of them, be, and they are hereby autho-
rised to continue open the subscription books until the
first day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, if
the whole capital slock of the said company shall not
have been previously subscribed.
Authority to
extend road.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Liberty
and Franklin Plank or Turnpike Road company, is
hereby authorised to extend the said road, from its pre-
sent prescribed terminus, on the Liberty road, to Beans'
mill on the Patapsco, upon the bed of the said Liberty
road, wild the power of diverging therefrom at such
point or points as, in the judgment of the said
company, may be advantageous, for the purpose of
avoiding hills, or selecting a more suitable bed for the
said road; and the said company is hereby also autho-
rised to extend the said road to the city of Baltimore,
from its present prescribed place of beginning, subject
to all the limitations, conditions and qualifications con-
tained in the original charter, in relation to the right of
Rights con-
ferred by
charter secur-
ed to exten-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all the rights and
privileges conferred upon the said company by its char-
ter, in relation to the erection of toll-gates, and the col-
lection of tolls, upon the said Liberty and Franklin
Plank or Turnpike road, are hereby seemed to the
extension of the said road hereby authorised, and all
the duties and obligations imposed upon the said com-
pany in relation to the character of the said road, by the
said charter, are hereby, in like manner imposed upon
the said company, in relation to this extension.
Passed May
29, 1852.
Authority for
laying out
streets, &c.
AN ACT to vest certain Powers in the Corporation
of the Town of Cumberland, in relation to Streets.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the mayor and council men of the
town of Cumberland, in Allegany county, shall have
full power and authority to provide for laying out,
opening and extending any street or alley, within the
bounds of said town, which, in their opinion, the pub-