CHAP. 320,
Passed May
29, 1852.
No person to
credit stu-
dents for li-
AN ACT concerning the Students of St. Timo-
thy's Hall, Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That no person or persons, who may
keep a store or tavern, shall give credit to any student
of St. Timothy's Hall, being a minor, or sell or fur-
nish to any such student any spirituous liquor, knowing
them to be such student or students, within the dis-
tance of two and a half miles from said institution,
without the consent, in writing, of the rector of said
institution, or such other officer, or officers, as may be
authorized by the government thereof to act in such
Forfeiture for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any person, or
persons, shall violate any of the provisions of this act,
he, she or they upon conviction, shall forfeit and pay
to the commissioners of Baltimore county, for the use
of the public schools of said county, a sum not less
than one dollar or more than five dollars, to be recover-
ed before any justice of the peace, in Baltimore county,
as small debts are now recovered.
Passed May
29, 1852.
AN ACT giving the assent of the State of Mary-
land, to the devise and bequest in the will of Tho-
mas Fulton, deceased, to John Evans, John Reed,
and James Black, in trust, for the Presbyterian
Church, of Pulton township, in Lancaster county,
Assent given.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the assent of the State of Maryland is
hereby given and declared, to the devise and bequest
in the will of Thomas Fulton, late of Cecil county,
deceased, to John Evans, John Reed, and James
Black, in trust, for the Presbyterian Church, of Ful-
ton township, in Lancaster county, State of Pennsyl-