may be necessary for the exercise of the aforesaid
powers, vested in the said corporation, and the same
by-laws, from time to time, to alter and repeal: such
by -laws being subject to the approval of a majority of
the stockholders.
CHAP. 154.
SEC, 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors, shall, from time to time, declare and pay to the
stockholders, dividends of so much of the profits realized
by the company, as they shall deem expedient, after re-
serving such sum as they shall decide to be reasonable,
to meet the expenses of repairs, or the purchase of any
articles necessary for the use of said company, semi-
annually; and also, at the paying of each dividend of
profits, a general statement of the affairs of the com-
pany shall be prepared by the directors, and kept open
for the inspection of the stockholders, or any of them,
for the space of ten days after the same shall have been
presented to them.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act of incor-
poration shall continue, and be in force for the term of
twenty-five years; Provided, always, that the Legis-
lature reserves to itself the power of altering, amend-
ing, or repealing the same, and all the provisions thereof
at any time hereafter.
In force for 25
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the incorporation
shall not be permitted to issue any note, token, device,
or other evidence of debt, to be used as currency.
Banking for-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall be subject to the provisions and restrictions
of any general law that may be passed hereafter in
this State for the incorporation of steamboat compa-
Subject to re-
SEC. 11 . And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
In force.
AN ACT entitled, an Act to change the terms of the
Circuit Court for the seventh Judicial Circuit in
Kent and Caroline counties.
Passed May
6, 1852.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the spring and fall terms of the
said Circuit Court, shall commence in Kent county, at
Terms to