an opportunity to employ himself beneficially in a
neighboring state, and praying relief in the premises:
Benefits of in-
solvent laws
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county
court, or any one judge thereof, either in court sitting,
or in the recess of the said court, be, and they or any
one of them as aforesaid, are hereby authorised and
directed to extend and afford to the said Philemon
Chew, junior, the full benefit of the act of assembly
passed at November session eighteen hundred and
five, entitled, " An act for the relief of sundry insol-
vent debtors, " and the several supplements thereto,
without requiring any evidence that the said Philemon
Chew, junior, has given the notice required by law;
and without requiring the said Chew to produce the
assent of two thirds of his creditors in amount.
Passed Dec. 27,
An act to make valid a deed from Daniel Shaw,
of Baltimore county, to George Elliott, of the
same county.
WHEREAS, George Elliott, of Baltimore county,
hath set forth by his petition to this General Assem-
bly, that a deed was executed and acknowledged by
the said Daniel Shaw, to the said George Elliott, on
the. twenty-fourth day of February, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and six, but one of the justices before
whom the said deed was acknowledged resided in
Harford county; and the said George Elliott there-
fore prays that a law may pass making valid said
deed; and the prayer of the petitioner appearing rea-
sonable: — Therefore,
Deed shall be
valid under a
certain provi-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said deed shall be valid and
effectual to all intents and purposes, as if the same had
been acknowledged before two justices of the peace
residing in Baltimore county, as required by the acts
of assembly of this state, any law to the contrary not-
withstanding; Saving nevertheless, To all persons
whatsoever, any rights by them since acquired to
said land, and leaving in full operation and validity
any claim or claims now legally binding said pro-