in two months after the drawing thereof, to the pay-
ment of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers
to whom they shall be due, and the necessary expen-
ses incurred in the management thereof, and deposit
the residue thereof in the Bank of Baltimore, subject
to the order and the complete and entire control of
the vestry of Durham Parish.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond
shall be lodged in the clerks office of Charles county,
to be there recorded; and upon such bond, or any office
copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against
the obligors therein, or any of them, or their, or any
of their legal representatives for any breach or non-
compliance with the condition of the same.
Bond shall be
recorded, on
which suits
may be insti-
An act to authorise Edward Barton and William
Kelley to alter and change the public road there-
in mentioned, in Caroline county.
Passed Dec, 27,
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of Edward Barton and William
Kelley, through whose lands the public road now runs,
leading from Hunting creek mill to Fowling creek
mill, that one of the petitioners, namely, Edward Bar-
ton, suffers great inconvenience in consequence of
said road running through his farm, which obliges
him to keep three gates on said road, they therefore
think the turning said public road round the said Ed-
ward Barton's farm would be of no disadvantage to
the public: — Therefore,
BE I F ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Edward Barton and William
Kelley, are hereby authorised to alter and change so
much of the public road leading from Hunting creek
mill in Caroline county, to Fowling creek, as runs
from the said William Kelley's through the said Ed-
ward Barton's farm, to the main road leading from
Fowling creek mill to Dover bridge, viz; beginning
at the end of said William Kelley's lane, and running
round the said Edward Barton's farm, as now laid
out and cleared, until it intersects the said main road
leading from Fowling creek mill to Dover bridge.
A certain por-
tion of said road
may be chang-
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Edward
Barton and William Kelley, shall cause the location of
said road so as aforesaid described, to be returned to
the levy court of Caroline county, with all convenient
speed; and after such road shall be surveyed and laid
Location shall
be returned to
levy court. &c.
Road shall be
completed at
the expense of
parties applying