county, by his petition to this General Assembly has
set forth, that a certain William Jennings, of the
same county, intermarried with his daughter Eliza-
beth Macgill, by whom the said Jennings had six
children, to wit: Thomas, Patrick, William, James,
Nicholas and Charles; that his said daughter hath
been dead about two years; that the said William
hath totally abandoned his children, and hath prayed
that a law may pass authorising them to assume and
take upon themselves the sur-name of Macgill; and it
appearing reasonable that the prayer of the said peti-
tioner should be granted: — Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the names of the said Thomas, Pat-
rick, William, James, Nicholas and Charles Jen-
nings, are hereby changed and altered unto the names
of Thomas, Patrick, William, James, Nicholas and
Charles Macgill, and they and their descendants shall
at all times hereafter be called and known by, and
hold and use the sur-name of Macgill only, and by
such sur-name shall sue and be sued in any court of
law or equity.
Name confirm-
AND BE IT ENACTED, That all securities,
promises, contracts, assurances, deeds and lawful
acts whatsoever, hereafter to be made or done, by or
to the said Thomas, Patrick, William, James, Nicho-
las and Charles Jennings, by the name and sur-name
of Thomas, Patrick, William, James, Nicholas and
Charles Macgill, shall be of the same force, validity
and effect, and equally avail to all intents and purpo-
ses, as if the name and sur-name of Thomas, Patrick,
William, James, Nicholas and Charles Macgill had
been the true and proper name and sur-name of Tho-
mas, Patrick, William, James, Nicholas and Charles
Jenning from their birth, any law or custom to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Lawful acts
shall be valid,
An act for the relief of Benjamin Goodhue, of
the city of Baltimore.
Passed Dec. 27,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of.
Maryland, That the judges, or any judge of Balti-
more county court be, and they, or any one of them,
are hereby authorised and directed to extent to Ben-
jamin Goodhue, of the city of Baltimore, the benefit
of the act of assembly passed at November session.
eighteen hundred and five entitled, " An act for the
Benefits of in-
solvent laws