Hunter, before they proceed to the sale of any ticket
or tickets in said lottery or lotteries, shall give bond
to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of one hun-
dred thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well
and truly apply the monies arising therefrom, within
six months after the drawing thereof, to the payment
of the prizes drawn therein, to the adventurers to
whom they shall be due, and after deducting the ne-
cessary expenses of said lottery or lotteries, shall,
within six months after the drawing thereof, apply
the balance of the money arising from said lottery or
lotteries to the finishing and completing the Roman
Catholic Cathedral, in the city of Baltimore.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bond entered
into under this act, shall be lodged with the clerk of
Baltimore county court, and upon the same, or any
office copy thereof, suit or suits may be brought for
any breach or non-compliance with the condition
Bond shall be
lodged with
clerk of county
An act to appoint Richard Hall Harwood trus-
tee for the sale of part of the real estate of Jon-
athan Sellman, deceased.
Passed Dec, 27,
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this Gene-
ral Assembly, by the petition of Anne E. Sellman,
widow and administratrix of Jonathan Sellman, de-
ceased, that the said Jonathan died intestate, possess-
ed of considerable real and personal estate, leaving
six children who are minors; And whereas It is re-
presented that the interest of the said minors would
e greatly promoted by the sale of two pieces of land,
lying in Baltimore county, for the payment of the
debts of the said Jonathan, and hath prayed that a law
may pass appointing the said Richard H. Harwood,
trustee for the sale of the lands aforesaid: — Therefore,
BE IT EXACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the orphans' court of Anne-Arundel
county shall have full power and authority on the peti-
tion of the said Richard Hail Harwood, who is hereby
appointed trustee, to order the sale of the said real
estate, lying in Baltimore county, upon such terms,
and with such conditions as the court may think pro-
per; and the said trustee, before he proceeds to act by
virtue of this appointment, shall give bond to the state
of Maryland, in such penalty, and with such security
Orphans' court
may order the
safe of real es-
tate on the ap-
plication of
trustee. Trus-
tee shall give