cester county shall, and they are hereby directed and
empowered at their levy court annually, so long as
they shall see cause, to levy on the assessable property
of said county, a sum of money not exceeding forty
dollars, nor less than twenty-five, for the support and
maintenance of John Smock, of said county; and the
same when collected, shall be paid by the collector of
said county, to said John Smock or his order, for the
purpose aforesaid.
An act to change the place of holding the Election
in the fifth election district in Baltimore county.
Passed Dec. 27,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the election in the fifth election dis-
trict in Baltimore county, heretofore held at Nicholas
Merryman's tavern on the old York road, shall hereaf-
ter be held at Nicholas Merryman's new building on
the York turnpike, to which he intends in a short time
to remove and occupy as a tavern.
Where to be
held in future.
AMD BE IT ENACTED, That the judge s of the
said district, shall make out a certificate of the same
under their hands and seals, and return it to the clerk,
of Baltimore county court, to be recorded; and the
same shall be, and continue to be the place of holding
the election in the fifth district of Baltimore county.
Judges of said
district to re-
turn a certifi-
cate of the same
to the clerk of
Baltimore coun-
ty court.
An Act for the benefit of Alexander Rigdon, of
Harford county.
Passed Dec. 27,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Alexander Rigdon may ap
ply to some justice of the peace, for Horford county,
who shall thereupon issue his warrant, directed to the
constable of the hundred where his lands lie, com-
manding him to summon five substantial freeholders,
not related to the party, or in any manner interested,
to be and appear, before one or more justices of the
peace, for said county, on the land, and upon a certain
day in said warrant expressed j which said freeholders,
upon their oath, to be administered by such justice or
justices, shall inquire what damages the said Rigdon
has or will sustain by reason of certain commissioners
him to apply to
some justice of
said county, for
the purpose of
obtaining dam-
ages sustained
for a certain
road running
through his
land- — Justice's
duly — Consta-
ble's duty. — Ju-
ry 's duty, &c.