benefit of the
insolvent laws.
Maryland, That the judges, or any one judge of Bal-
timore county court be, and they or any one of them,
are hereby authorised and directed to extend to Ben-
jamin Williams, the benefit and relief of the act of
assembly passed at November session eighteen hun-
dred and five, entitled, "An act for the relief of sundry
insolvent debtors, " and the supplements thereto, with-
out compelling him to produce the assent of two
thirds in amount, of his creditors, and to extend and
afford to the said Benjamin Williams, all the benefits,
advantages and provisions of the aforesaid act, and
the supplements thereto, in the same manner and upon
the. same terms and conditions as if he had obtained
the assent of two thirds of his creditors, to his release
under the same.
Passed Dec. 27,
An act for the relief of Andrew Dewees and John
Miles, insolvent debtors, of the city of Balti-
Benefit of the
insolvent laws
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges, or any one judge of
Baltimore county court be, and they, or any one of
them are hereby authorised and directed to extend
to Andrew Dewees and John Miles, the benefit and
relief of the act of assembly passed at November
session eighteen hundred and five, entitled, "An act
for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, " and the
. supplements thereto, without compelling them to pro-
duce the assent of two thirds in amount, of their cred-
itors, and to extend and afford to the said Andrew
Dewees and John Miles, all the benefits, advantages
and provisions of the aforesaid act and the supple-
ments thereto, in the same manner, and upon the
same terms and conditions as if they had obtained
the assent of two thirds of their creditors, to their
release under the same..
Passed Dec. 27,
A Supplement to an act for the benefit of Eliza-
beth Cole, of Baltimore county,
Act extended 2
years longer.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the time allowed to Elizabeth Cole
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