set forth, that he is far advanced in years, and labour-
ing under many infirmities produced by the hardships
he sustained in your revolutionary struggle, which
render him utterly incapable of supporting himself;
and the prayer of your petitioner appearing just and
reasonable: — Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Prince George's
county shall, and they are hereby empowered, at their
levy count annually, so long as they shall see cause,
to assess and levy on the assessable property of said
county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars
for the support and maintenance of the said Thomas
Harrison; and that the same be collected annually by
the collector of Prince George's county, and by him,
paid to the said Thomas Harrison or his order,
Levy court may
assess a sum of
money for his
An act for the encouragement of learning in Har-
ford county.
Passed Jan. 7,
WHEREAS, The establishment of seminaries for
the education of youth in this as well as other coun-
tries, has been of essential benefit to society by bring-
ing forward a succession of able and virtuous charac-
ters, qualified to discharge the various duties of pub-
lic and private life; And whereas, The general diffu-
sion of scientific knowledge through such means is
the more essentially necessary in a country like ours;
the perpetuity of whose happy government materially
depends up n the religion, virtue and patriotism of the
people at large, from whom all power in relation to
the government emanates, and before whom public
men and measures are daily passing in judgment, and
who are eligible in one way or other to the most im-
portant trusts and offices, both in church and state;
trusts and offices that require the utmost extent of
human acquisition: — Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there be erected, and hereby is erect
ed and established at or near Belle-Air, in Harford
county, an academy for the liberal education of youth
in such sciences and branches of learning as the trus-
tees and professors thereof shall, from time to time,
think useful and expedient for the benefit and advance-
ment of the institution; and the said academy shall be
regulated under the management, direction and go-
For the estab-
lishment of
an academy un-
der the direc-
tion of trustees.