Fines against
officers, &c.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fines for
non-attendance, disobedience of orders, or un-officer like
conduct, when on parade or in uniform, shall be the
same against cavalry officers, as those prescribed for the
Infantry, in the act to which this is a supplement.
Fines against
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fines
against privates shall not exceed ten dollars, nor less
than one dollar for each offence, to be imposed by a
court-martial, and collected agreeably to the provisions
of the act to which this is a supplement.
Present com-
missions shall
be revoked and
new ones issu-
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sions of the present cavalry officers shall be, and are
hereby revoked; and new ones shall be issued, attaching
each officer to his respective regiment, squadron or troop;
Provided, That the new commissions shall bear the
same seniority by date, number or otherwise, that the old
commissions bear at the present time.
Persons shall not
quit their troops
tinder a certain
penalty, except
in certain cases.
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the officers,
non-commissioned officers and privates enrolled in any
troop of horse, shall not be permitted to quit the same
under a penalty, if an officer, of fifty dollars; a non-
commissioned officer, of forty dollars; and if a private, of
twenty dollars, unless they have previously obtained the
consent of at least two thirds of the troop they may be
so disposed to quit, or shall have been discharged from
such troop by the decision of a court martial, or shall re-
move out of the cavalry regimental district.
Collection of
fines and penal-
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and
penalties under this act shall be collected and applied in
the same manner, as is provided in the act to which this
is a supplement.
Courts martial
— of whom they
shall be com-
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every court
martial for the trial of field officers, shall be composed of
three commissioned officers who shall be ordered to meet
by the brigadier general of infantry in whose district or
brigade the delinquents may reside. Every regimental
court martial shall be composed of three commissioned
officers, and every extra squadron court martial shall also
be composed of three commissioned officers.
Passed Jan, 7,
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Prince
George's county, to assess and levy a sum of mo-
ney for the purpose therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, Thomas Harrison, of Prince George's
county, by his petition to this General Assembly hath