appointed to
open and ex-
tend said street,
who shall return
a plot to the re-
gister of the
city. Certain
ground shall be-
come part of
the basin.
have good cause to believe that the representation e£
the said inhabitants is just and true: — * Therefore^
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland) That William M'Mechen, Joseph Young>
Robert Stewart, William Pechin, Samuel R. Smith^
William B. Barney, Ludwig Herring, George Stiles ?
Henry Payson, Amos A. Williams, Andrew Clop-
per, Thomas Tenant, Samuel Briscoe, Henry Stouffer
and Christian Slemmer, or the majority of them be,
and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open
and extend said Pratt street, from Light street east-
wardly to the lower bridge on Jone's Falls, which shall
be done as follows: From Light street to Franklin
Lane, said street shall continue the direction and width
which it has on the west side of Light street; From
Franklin lane to Gay street, the said street shall re-
main as it now is, except that the three houses on the
north side adjacent to Gay street shall have their
fronts taken away to a line with the fronts of those
bouses between them and Franklin lane; From Gay
street to Frederick street, Pratt street shall be made
straight and not less than fifty six feet wide; From
Market Space to Frederick street, the south side of
Pratt street shall remain as it is, and the north side
shall be in a line with the fronts of the houses adja-
cent to Market Space, and from Market Space to
Jone's Falls the street shall remain as it now is, and
that the said street when so opened and extended, shall
forever thereafter be, and remain a public street and
highway; and the said commissioners are hereby re-
quired to cause an accurate plot thereof to be made
and returned to the register's office of the city of Bal-
timore, who shall receive and file the same among the
records of his office as a part of the plot of the city of
Baltimore; and the ground which lies on the south
side of said street so laid out, and on the west side of
Franklin lane and adjacent thereto, to the water, shall
become part of the Basin of Baltimore, and the build-
ings thereon removed, and the same deepened to the
depth of the adjacent part of the Basin.
Relative to fill-
ing up certain
docks, erecting a
wharf on the
south side of
Pratt street and
filling in a
block slip or
wharf — its
2 AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the said commissioners, and they or a major-
ity of them are hereby directed to cause that part of
Pratt street which passes through the Basin of Balti-
more city, to be filled up to a convenient grade for
paving the same, and to fill up to a like grade all those
docks which lie on the north side of said street ex-
tended, and also to fill up to the grade aforesaid, and
erect and build a good and substantial wharf on the