assess and adjudge such damages to the parties injur-
ed, on consideration of all circumstances, as to them
shall appear just; which said damages shall be paid
or tendered to the parties injured before the said
road shall be opened, and which judgment of the
said court when given, shall be final and conclusive
between the parties.
An act to authorise a Lottery for the benefit of
Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties.
Passed Jan. 4,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Hooper, George Maddux,
Peter Dashiell, James Ritchie and John Moore, or
such of them as shall enter into bond as hereinafter
required, be, and are hereby authorised to raise, by
lottery, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars,
after deducting the necessary expenses.
Managers au-
thorised to raise
a sum not ex-
ceeding 2000
AND BE IT ENACTED, That before any of
the persons above named shall proceed to make sale
of any ticket or tickets, they shall give bond in the
sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that they
will well and truly apply so much of the money aris-
ing therefrom, within six months after the drawing
thereof, as shall satisfy the fortunate adventurers of
prizes drawn by them, and within two years apply
the residue to the purpose of purchasing a fire engine,
for the use of the town of Salisbury, and building a
house therefor in said town, settling pumps and procur-
ing buckets and ladders.
Managers shall
give bond for
the faithful per-
formance of du-
ties imposed.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bond enter-
ed into under this act, be lodged with the clerk of
Somerset county, and upon the same, or any office
copy thereof, suit or suits may be brought for any
breach or non-compliance with the condition thereof.
Bond shall be
recorded, &c.
An act for the benefit of the infant children of
Francis S. Manning, late of Charles county,
Passed Jan. 4,
WHEREAS, Lydia Manning, late of Charles
county, by her petition to this General Assembly
has set forth, that her deceased husband Francis S.
Manning, late of the aforesaid county, deceased, died
seized of a fee-simple estate in and to two small tracts