sessable property of their respective counties., a sum
of money equal to the amount of the damages ascer-
tained as aforesaid in their respective counties, which
shall be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners shall be allowed two dollars per diem for their
services, to be assessed and levied on the assessable
property of the counties, from which they are respec-
tively chosen
Passed Jan. 4.
A Supplement to the act entitled, An act author-
ising commissioners to open the Old Road lead-
ing from Richard Owings' mill in Anne-Arun-
del county, to Elk-Ridge Church in Queen
Caroline Parish.
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this Gene-
ral Assembly by sundry persons, that they are liable
to sustain damages by the commis sioners nominated
in the act to which this is a supplement, proceeding to
open the said road, and no provision hath been made,
that the parties conceiving themselves aggrieved might
be enabled to obtain redress by appeal to any other
tribunal: — Therefore,
shall return a
correct certifi-
cate and plot
thereof to the
clerk of county
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners nominated in the
act to which this is a supplement, or a majority of
them, shall immediately on their running out and lo-
cating the said old road, return a correct certificate
and plot thereof to the clerk of Anne-Arundel county
court, together with such documents and proofs as they
may collect and obtain respecting the true location of
the same, there to be filed or recorded.
Persons aggriev-
ed may appeal
to the county
court. Said
court are au-
thorised to ad-
judge damages.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
or persons shall conceive himself, herself or them-
selves aggrieved by the conduct of the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them, in the location of the
said old road, or that they have sustained damages by
opening the same, that the person or persons so ag-
grieved or alledging that they have sustained damage,
shall have full power and authority to appeal to the
county court of Anne-Arundel for redress, at the
next term after the said proceedings of the commis-
sioners shall be returned, and the said court is hereby
directed and required to hear the parties, and examine
into the merits of the case, and to decide thereon, and