Robert Cariens; to remedy which, the said James
Hope, William Cariens, junior, and Robert Cariens,
have presented a petition. to this General Assembly,
praying that an act may pass enlarging the estate de«
vised to your petitioners in and by the said will, to an
estate in fee-simple, so as to give effect to the intention
of the testator, which is thought reasonable: —There-
Relative to a
devise of certain
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the devisees in the will aforesaid, of
him, the said Thomas McGettegen, late of Harford coun-
ty, of certain land to James Hope, William Cariens,
junior, and Robert Cariens, by name, shall be deem-
ed and taken, to all intents and purposes, as a devise
to the said James Hope, William Cariens, junior, and
Robert Cariens, and their heirs, in fee-simple; Pro-
vided, That nothing herein contained shall affect or be
construed to affect the reversionary interest of any le-
gal representative of the said Thomas McGettegen, in
and to said estate.
Passed Jan. 4,
A n additional supplement to the act entitled, An
act to regulate the Inspection of Tobacco.
Provisions of
the former act
extend to the
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the provisions of an act of assembly
passed at this present session, entitled, A further sup-
plement to the act entitled, An act to regulate the in-
spection of tobacco, be, and the same are hereby ex-
tended to the buildings adjacent and adjoining to Du-
gan and O'Donnell's inspection ware-house, in the
city of Baltimore, which have been constructed by
them lor the purpose of receiving, inspecting and stor-
ing tobacco, and which shall be approved of by the
levy court of Baltimore county, in the manner pre-
scribed by the said act.
Passed Jan. 4,
An act to make public a road in Charles and Saint
Mary's counties.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Charles
and Saint Mary's counties, that it will promote the
convenience of the inhabitants of said counties to