Passed Dec. 27,
An Act to authorise and empower the justices of
the Levy Court, of Caroline county, to discon-
tinue so much of the public road as is therein
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of William Parrott, Deborah
Barrock, Nancy Bartlett and others, that so much of
the public road, leading from the old road that leads
from Greensborough to Hillsborough, through the
farms of the aforesaid William Parrott, Deborah Bar-
rock and Nancy Bartlett, until it intersects the main
road leading from Boonsborough to Denton, at Tho-
mas Hardcastle's gate, is of no possible public utility,
and greatly injurious to the interest of the said peti-
tioners: Therefore,
Justices of the
levy court au-
thorised to dis-
continue said
road if requir-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Caroline county, be and they are hereby authorised
and directed, if they shall see proper, at their first
session, in the year eighteen hundred and twelve,
upon the application of the said William Parrott, and
others through whose lands the aforesaid road now
runs, to discontinue and stop the same from the said
William Parrott's to Thomas Hardcastle's gate, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Dec. 57,
An act authorising Mary Keene to remove her ne-
groes from the state of Virginia into this state.
Mary Keene au-
thorised within
12 months to
remove her
negroes is to
this state,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Mary Keene be, and she is
hereby authorised and empowered at any time or times
within twelve months after the passage of this act, to
remove and bring into this state, all and every of her
negro slave or slaves, that she may now have a bona
fide absolute right unto, in the same manner that she
might or could have done at the time of her own remo-
val into this state, any law to the contrary, thereof in
any wise notwithstanding.
Said negroes
, shall be regis-
tered hi county
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the 'said Mary
Keene register the said negroes in Dorchester county
court, -in the same manner as "she by law would have