CHAP. 105.
An act to promote Education in the Town of Cum-
Feb. 19, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Mayor and Councilmen of the
town of Cumberland, for the time being, and their suc-
cessors, be and they are hereby appointed and constitut-
ed a board of trustees to carry into effect the provisions
of this law.
Mayor, etc.,
a board of trus-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the duties of said
trustees shall be to provide suitable houses, within the
corporate limits of the town of Cumberland, by taxes
levied and collected of the taxable inhabitants of said
town, or by the portion of the school fund that may
hereafter be apportioned to said town by the commis-
sioners of Allegany county, or otherwise, as in their dis-
cretion, they may deem desirable; and when so provided
with suitable school-houses, they shall certify the same
to the commissioners of Allegany county aforesaid, up-
on the filing of which certificate with said commission-
ers, they shall, at their next meeting, apportion the free
school fund of said county to the several school districts
and the town of Cumberland, in fair and just propor-
tions, according to the population of the said several
school districts and said town, and pay over annually
to the Mayor and Councilmen of said town, the portion
allowed by them to the town of Cumberland, through
an order on the treasurer of said school fund.
Levy authoris-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the
corporation of the town of Cumberland, for the time
being, shall act as treasurer for the school or schools es-
tablished under this act, and shall give bond with secu-
rity for the faithful discharge of his duty as such, for
which he shall receive as compensation a sum not ex-
ceeding twenty-five dollars per annum.
Duty of treas-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the clerk to the
corporation of the town of Cumberland, for the time
being, shall act as clerk to said Mayor and Councilmen,
when acting in their capacity as trustees of school, and
shall keep, in well bound books, procured for that pur-
pose, a record of all their proceedings as trustees afore-
said, for which services the said clerk shall receive a
compensation not exceeding twenty-five dollars per an-
Duty of clerk.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor and
Councilmen shall, at the earliest practicable period, fix
Duty of trustees.