SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William H. D. C. Wright, Joseph
Reynolds, John N. Garret, Joseph C. Wilson, Enoch
Pratt, William S. Appleton, Frederick L. Brauns,
Thomas J. Wilson, H. G. Gerdes, William H. Keigh-
ler, Robert R. Kirkland, William S. Peterkin, their
associates and successors, are hereby made a corpora-
tion, by the name of the Ocean Mutual Insurance
Company of Baltimore, with lull power and authori-
ty to make insurances on vessels, merchandise, freight,
specie, bullion, commissions, freights, bank notes,
bills of exchange, and other evidences of exchange,
and other evidences of debt, bottomry, ad responden-
tia interest, and all other personal property, at sea, on
land or water, or connected with risk of conveyance
by sea, land or water, and to lend money on bottomry
and ad respondentia interest, and generally to transact
all business, enter into all contracts, and take all se-
curity for and relative to the objects aforesaid, and to
cause said company to be re-insured, when deemed
expedient, against any risk or risks on which it may
make insurance; and the corporation hereby created,
shall, by the same name, have succession, and shall
be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
in all courts of law and equity in this State, or else
where, and to make and have a common seal, and the
same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure.
First board of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the persons named
in the foregoing section are hereby constituted and
appointed a board of directors of said company, until
the first election of directors, as hereinafter provided
for, shall take place, and that it shall be the duty of
said directors, or a majority of them, at their first
meeting, to begin the organization of said company
by the appointment of a president and secretary, and
that they shall have power to establish their salaries,
fill vacancies in their own body, make bye-laws, and
possess all the other powers conferred upon the direc-
tors by this act.
May take pre-
mium notes in
advance, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said company,
for the belter security of its dealers, may receive notes
for premiums in advance, of persons intending to re-