Resolutions authorising the Governor to cause to be
printed the Report and accompanying Documents, in
relation to the boundary lines of this State, State of
Pennsylvania, and State of Delaware, and so forth.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
His Excellency the Governor, be requested to cause to
be primed, the report and accompanying documents re-
lating to the boundary lines between this State and the
States of Pennsylvania and Delaware, communicated
to the Senate in his message of the seventh instant.
Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor, be and
he is hereby authorised to place temporarily in the cus-
tody of Colonel J. D. Graham, United States Topo-
graphical Engineer, recently employed in retracing cer-
tain portion of the countermineous boundaries of Mary-
land and Pennsylvania, the manuscript proceedings of
the commissioners and surveyors, including those of
Mason and Dixon, which relates to the demarcation to
the ancient boundaries between Maryland and Pennsyl-
vania, in conformity with the several agreements be-
tween Cecelius Lord Baltimore and William Penn, and
their heirs and successors, together with said articles of
agreement, to enable the said engineer to make such re-
ference to said documents as may be requisite to illus-
trate his report on said boundaries to the Topographical
Bureau; provided, the said documents shall be returned
to the archives of the State, on or before the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and fifty-one.
No. 95.
Passed Mar. 9,
Preamble and resolutions of thanks to Captain Frank-
lin Buchanan, and Surgeon Ninian Pinkney, of the
United States Navy, &c.
WHEREAS, responsive to an order of the Senate, of
the seventh day of January, eighteen hundred and
fifty, calling for copies of letters on the file in the
Navy Department, at Washington, relative to the gal
bant and meritorious conduct of Commander Franklin
Buchanan, and Surgeon Ninian Pinkney, of the United
States Navy, in the late Mexican war, the following
Mar. 9, 1850.