CHAP. 515.
An act to make valid a mortgage from Emanuel Fee-
ser, to David Feeser.
Passed Mar. 8,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a mortgage from Emanuel Feeser, to David
Feeser, bearing date on the twenty-ninth day of Sep-
tember, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-nine,
and recorded in Liber J. S., number ten, folio one
hundred and fifty two, one of the land record books
of Carroll county, be and the same is hereby made as
valid in law, as if the affidavit required by the act of
December session, eighteen hundred and forty-six,
chapter two hundred and seventy-one, had been
made by the said David Feeser, the mortgagee there-
in named, at the time of the execution of said mort-
Declared valid.
gage; provided, that the said David Feeser, shall
within sixty days from the passage of this act, file
with the clerk of Carroll county court for record, an
affidavit, that the consideration set forth in said deed
of mortgage, is true and bona fide, as therein set forth.
A further supplement to an act to incorporate Em-
mittsburg, in Frederick County, passed at Decem-
ber Session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four.
March 7, 1850.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the burgess and commissioners of the town of
Emmittsburg, in Frederick county, be and they are
hereby empowered in their discretion to purchase or
build an engine house, and a fire engine and appara-
tus, for the use of the said town.
To purchase or
build engine
house, etc.