SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That whenever any
person shall offer to pay his or her taxes, it shall be the
duty of the treasurer of the district to inquire of them
what improvement they have made, and what assessa-
ble property they have accumulated, since the last as-
sessment was made, so that the same may be added to
the assessment, and if the said treasurer deems it neces-
sary, he may take the answers of said parties under
oath, and any tax payer refusing to make such state-
ment, shall he deprived of all benefits resulting from the
provisions of this act.
CHAP. 427.
Treasurer to
inquire with
regard to im-
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the sheriff to ascertain from all the tax payers from
whom he may collect, the taxes, and take a memoran-
dum of all accumulation of assessable property of every
kind, and make return of the same to the said board of
commissioners, according to the existing laws, which re-
quire the present collectors to do the same.
Sheriff to con-
form to laws as
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said treasurer
and sheriff, in making their quarterly deposits with the
treasurer of the State, according to the provisions of the
ninth section of this act, and also in their monthly pay-
ments to the board of commissioners, shall make and
sign an affidavit, in due form of law, before some jus-
tice of the peace for Howard district, which said affida-
vit shall state the amount paid, that the amount as
stated is a true account of all the State or district taxes
received by him or them for the quarter or month, as
the case may be, then ending, his legal commission ex-
Oaths required.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the clerk to the
board of commissioners for Howard district, at the time
this act shall take effect, shall be and he is hereby de-
clared to be the treasurer and clerk for said district, un-
til the next general election shall take place; provided,
he shall comply with the requisitions of the second sec-
lion of this act.
First treasurer.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts conflicting with the provisions of this act, be and
the same are hereby repealed.
acts repealed.